. .

c. OperationHARDTACKwill be planned and conductedby Joint Task
Force SEVEN, the permanenttask force organizationestablishedby
the Joint Chiefs of Staff with the concurrenceof the AtomicEnergy
Commission,the Commanderof which is directlyresponsibleto the
Atomic Energy Commission,and to the Joint Chiefsof Staff.
d. OperationHARDTACK,as presentlyplanned,will includeuore detonationsof atomic devicesthan any previousoverseastest series.
The total planned number of detonationswill be approximatelyevenly
dividedbetweenEniwetokand Bikini Atolls. In genersl,devicesof
primary interestto the Universityof CaliforniaRadiationLaboratory will be detonatedat Bikini Atoll and those of primary interest
to the Los AlamosScientificLaboratorywill be detonatedat Eniwetok
Atoll. If detonationsplanned for one atoll are completedahead of
schedule,the remainingshotsmay be rescheduledto effectmore
efficientutilizationof the EniwetokProvingGround. They may
also be rescheduledby mutual agreementof the task units and task
groupe concerned,and as directedby Commander,Joint Task Force
SEVEN. A capabilitywill be maintainedto fire a high yield device
at each atoll simultaneously. A capabilitywill be maintainedfor
simultaneousemergencypost-shotevacuationof personnelfrom both
atolls. Capabilityfor sustainedafloat operationswill not be programmed. Two high altitudedetonationawill be launchedfrom Bikini
Atoll and the high altitudeballoon detonationwill be launchedfrom
the deck of the USS BOXER, with the plamed detonationin the vicinity of Bikini Atoll.
e. Effectiveupon the startingdate of the operationalphase of
OperationHARDTACK,the Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN,will be
designatedas the Senior AtomicEnergy CommissionRepresentative
at the EniwetokProving Ground and will be given full authority
to act for the Commissionin all.matterswhich concernthe successful executionof OperationHARDTACK. This authoritywill
in nature and will not be intendedto transferto
Commander,Joint Task Force SEVEN, any of the continuingadministrative responsibilities
of the Manager,AlbuquerqueOperation
Office; the Manager,San FranciscoOperationsOffice;the Manager,
EniwetokBranch Office; or the normal responsibilities
for tecQ0 Tr 14.2SZ



Select target paragraph3