Dr. LeRoy


May 28, 1951

This shows a definite relation of the lose to the exposure intensity.
The major problem at present is to construct individual lids for every

cage and fasten lids securely.

To have one lid for 6 cagea, which has

to be lifted to feed the animals, is a constant grave hazard since the
identity of the animals is only marked om the cage. The individual
lids will be completed and attached within « few days.
We note that for
Since this would
like to set this
in the very near

We propose:


reasons of expediency 250 SV controls were onitted.
mean relatively little supplementary expense, we should
up here if animals of the same stock are still available

To expose batches of 125 mice af ome sex at 2 dose

levels below the LD-50 and keep ome batch of unexposed mice for controls.

{B) For the cataract series ve should like to mtch every other station

with an equal number of animls exposed here to Z rays, calculating tho

dose on LD basig.

This would mean the sddition of 600 to 1,000 mice to

those already here. If this plan meets with your approval, would it be
possible to arrange breeding of these animals at Bethesda and send then
to us immedietely after weaning?
Sincerely yours,

oF: jd
ec: Dr. McCrady
Dr. Tolbert

Dr. Langham

br. Cronkite


Select target paragraph3