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BOX No. 4g PEO

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TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS Office of the District Administrator,


: District Administrator, Marshalls
t: District Director Public affairs


Community Developnent Officer

DATE: November 1,1972


: Community Development Advisor


: Special Assignment of Community Development Advisor on Enewetak

I proceeded to Enewetak via Honolulu on October 11,1972 in accordance with
Deputy High Commissioner's request in response to requests for my services
from the Atomic Energy Commission.

While in Honolulu a brief visit was made with Dr.Phil@p Helfrich at the
Institute of Marine Biology of the University of Hawaii on Coconut Island,
Kaneohe. Mr.Roger Ray, Assistant Manager for Operations, U.S.A.E.C. from

Las Vecas, Nevada, Dr.Walter Nervik, Technical Director from the Lawrence

Livermore Laboratory, and Mr.Willian Streenan, Acting «anager of the Honolulu
A.B.C. Office had requested the meeting. They outlined their survey program
and their plans and needs to Dr.Helfrich who is in charge of the marine
Laboratory on Enewetak.

I departed Enewetak Island dn a small craft at 0830 on 10/15/72 to make a
sight survey of the other islands of the atoll. I accompanied Dr.Nervik, Mr.Ray,

Ma Alan Futral, DNA (DOD) representative from Washington,D.C. and two tech-

hicians, and Mr.Bbarl Gilmore, Holmes and Narver Company representative from
Las Vegas, Nevada.
The purpose of the trip was to make a brief, preliminary sight survey in order
to estimate the scope and duration of the radiological survey and the cleanup
operation. My opinion was asked regarding probably living patterns and patterns
and extent of utilization of the natural resources by the raturning Enewetak
people. I was also asked about the probable wishes of the people in regard

retention of buildings, materials, and mam made facilities.

I offered whatever information I felt pertinent but emphasized that this was
my own opinion and was not official, nor representative of the cnewetak People.
I waphasized that the AEC and other planners must meet with the people before
any policy is made. The officials seamed to understand and agreed that this

would be the policy. I also amphasized the need of constant liaison with and

consultation with Bistrict Administrator Marshalls by the A&C and other officials

who will be involved in the rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll. The officials
alao concurred with this.

I will not go into details about the condition of the various islands. You visited

them recently. The PACE prozram has apparently ceased temporarily in obediance

to the legal injunctions. The heavy equipment was being taken off of Runit while
I was there and some of the personnel have been sent back to their original duty

Stations. Others have been assigned to support the radiological survey of Enewetak.
As you know,Jabtan Island (David) is in good condition. There/many coconut
trees, some of which are bearing. The island ia |.. relatively free of useless
debris. There are a number of buildings that can be refurbished at little cost


and effprt. With the addition of guttering and waber catchment units a larye | fir?


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