

9. The compietion of tests for Phase I of Operation HARDTACK

at Eniwetok -Proving Ground and the disestablishinent of the danger
areas in the Pacific were announced on September 8,
nuclear tests ahd one safety test tlere condictet.»
Phase I nucleartests are shown in Table 1,

test was a

Pésults of the

The one-point safety


Results indicated that the

weapon is one-point safe and production wii continue with the
present design,
10, Results of the nuclear tests conducted at Nevada Test.

Site during September and October, Operation HARDTACK, Phase Ii;
are also shown in Table l..

11, After the President's announcement concerning test suspension on August 22, AEC weapon programs were reviowed end
Presidential approval was requested for additional nuclear test
shots for Phase II.

Fifteen nuclear test shots, one contingent

shot, and 10 to 12 safety tests were approved.



Part Itt

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