25, While it ddées not, appear that we are intetested in
taking any one United Kingdom weapon or device and weaponizing

it for our use} there are specific developments which the United
Kingdom scientists have made which hold a great deal of interest
for us and which might offer advantages in our weapons systems.

26. When the information which has been transmitted to both

parties has been fully analyzed, the United States and United
Kingdom representatives will determine desired areas of coopere”.ion
for further exchanges,
27. Following the initial exchange meeting, the United
Kingdom invited the AEC to send representatives to Christmas
island to observe their test operation during September.


representatives from LASL witnessed one large-yielid shot and
received detailed information on their diagnostic instrumentati-™ .
During the second meeting, the AEC extended a reciprocal invitation
for the United Kingdom to send observers to Phase II of Operation
HARDTACK during the week of October 5-11.

The Commission, with

the concurrence of the Department of Defense, recommended to the
President that certain information concerning diagnostic techniques
and instrumentation be approved for release to the United Kingdom

at that tine.2/
i/Tne third exchange-of-information meeting was held in early
October and featured discussions on the instrumentation used
in weapons testing.
In anticipation of the disarmament meetings
with the Soviets beginning Cetober 31 in Geneva, a fourth

exchange-of-information meeting was held in late October. In
this meeting, which was sponsored by the Department of Defense.
and the Central Intelligence Agency, Shere was an exchange of
intelligence information on Soviet nuclear weapons development.

- 16 -

Part IIt



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Select target paragraph3