


(ir, Alealay)
Another question persistently asked by the Utirik people related
to the fact that several Japanese doctors who vere invite to the Marshall
Islands by Representative Ataji Balos were never allowed entry visas into
the Marshall Islands District.

Representative Ralos, in 1971, invited a

Japanese medical team to study the exposed ifarshallese because "the people
of Ron~elan and Utiril. had become suspicious thet the Atomic Fnercy Cormission

smonsered tear wes not treating them properly."

“lhy". ask the Marshallese

on Utirik, “were the Japanese not allowed to come ovt to our islends?"

It has now been 25 years since the "Bravo" hyirozen explosion caused
the human rishts of the irradiated Marshallese to be violated for an indeterminate
time - pnerhans for senerations to come.

The followin~ recommendations are made

to the Trusteeship Council in the hope that the Council will continue to fulfil
its oblication to oversee the cdministration of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands by the United States:
First, the Trusteeship Council should request an independent epidemiological/

radiobiolorical survey through the World Ilealth Organization ("HO), with the
possible collatoration of Japanese doctors and scientists having expertise in

radiation science and medicine.
Secondly, a survey should be conducted of the local environments and

ecolories of the affected atolls, including a study of the flora, fauna and
marine biota.
Thir€ly, a bilinvval manual - in both Enrlish anc “larshallese - should be
created anc published containine the results from the

enideniolovical and

radiological surveys conducted by the ‘orld Health Orsanization.

Such a

ranual would contribute creatly towards the exposed Marshall Islanders'
understanding of the radiation and its effects.
As an addendum,

I should like to read out part of an article which is quite

relevent to my statement.

19 ‘lay 1979.

It appeared in The New York Times of Saturday,

The title of the article is:

“U.N. Agency Accused of Miding

Data on Hazards in Nuclear Energy" and its date line is "Nairobi, Menya, May 18".

Select target paragraph3