Table 2 Ucicik Body Burdens Adult Males Number Burden of ~~ Body UCi Persuns 3. 1x1079 7.61074 4.0xto73 9.71074 3.5x1071* 55 90 Fe L.6x107! 1.6107! 2.421079 1.3x1073 1.?x1073 1.3x1074 LS 1.2x107! 6.2x1072 6 2.1x107! L.7x107! Cs Ratio derived body burden Not analyzed 27 19 Measured at Argonne National Laboratory __ Nuaber of Persons 3.51073 8.7x1074 1.6x107! 3. 3x 1072 42 4 oi Adults Body Burden uci 2.7x107! 3. 7x 4072 Sc 137 Aduic Females Body Number Burden of UCi Persons 1S 3.5x10°2 2> . 7 ht NA 24 2.7x107! 2.0x107! L.3x107! 7.8x1072 4.3x1072 3.31074 NA 1.8x107! 1.0x107! 5.31072 1734 2466 6114 1.5x107% 2.5x107! Days 2464 3924 1.5x10-* NA Days Post Return 32 30 22 48 36 1734 7213 8669 . 9225 1004 1734 7213 8309 9225