
= total body compartment deposition fraction for the element,


= total body compartment biological half time for the element,



= fraction of the element from blood to organ of reference.
Equation 5 applied where significant decay occurred at the deposition

site, and not during transit or re-transit to the organ of interest.

Values for

compartment deposition fractions and compartment half times were obtained from

Values for the remaining quantities were from ICRP59.
The dose equivalents to a specific organ or the total body were determined

by using the source to target dose equivalent per unit cumulated activity parameters from Ki78.

The total target dose equivalent was obtained by summation of

the dosimetric contributions from all source organs.

Several important modifica-

tions to the general procedure were made in order to compute individual
dosimetric results.

For each person, the source-to-target dose equivalent per

unit cumulated activity was weighted by the ratio of a standard man's body mass
relative to the actual mean body mass during the interval for which the dose
equivalent was determined.

In the case of 1370. the long term biological re-

moval rate constant for the Marshallese population was highly dependent upon

body mass (Mi81).

Appropriate modifications to equations 2, 3 and 5 were made

to reflect this dependency.

Finally, for 90, deposition in bone, 28% of the

source to target dose equivalent per unit cumulated activity was assumed from
cancellous bone and 72% from cortical bone.
Figure 18 demonstrates the mean dose equivalent from 1376, for various age
and sex groupings.

The residence interval was from 1957 to 1980 for this popula-

The adolescents and persons above 50 years of age in 1957 maintained the

lowest dose equivalent.

Persons who died during this period were not included


Select target paragraph3