-3region of the pituitary gland. There were no obvious symptoms related to
this tumor. Since there was no uptake of radioiodine in the region of the
tumor it was considered unlikely that it was a metastasic lesion from the
thyroid cancer. Since the patient had to return to Rongelap to be with
her daughter for birth of her baby she will be brought to the United States
for further studies and possible surgery, along with the 3 nodule cases
possibly in May.
Attitudes of the People:
On arrival at each island the team was most cordially received by
the people who were on hand in large numbers with the customary flower
leis. Cooperation in the examinations by the people was excellent.
Village Meetings: Prior to examinations village meetings were held
at Utirik, Rongelap and Bikini. At these meetings team members were
introduced along with Congressman Haglelgam and the Japanese group.

The purpose of the visit was outlined and their cooperation in the exam-

inations requested. Time for sick calls were announced and arrangements
were made for movies and party. Gifts for the village were presented
(rice, flour, sugar, toothbrushes, soap, towels). At the meetings (2-3
hours long at Utirik) many questions were asked. Almost all of the
questions asked at Utirik and Rongelap concerned Public Law 5-52 (hospital benefits for those on our examination list). It was apparent
that there was considerable uncertainity about the law and the ERDA-T.T.
agreement. At Utirik there was great dissatisfaction expressed that the
unexposed Utirik people were not placed on our examination list (to obtain
benefits of bill) since the unexposed Rongelap people were on it.. At
Rongelap there was dissatisfaction expressed that the children of exposed
people were not included. Repeated attempts were made to explain to both
island groups that the unexposed control list of Rongelap people did not
include all of the unexposed Rongelap people; that the control group was

established in 1957 to include persons picked to match for age and sex of

the exposed Rongelap group; that this control group was as large as necessary; that no children were in the group now since there were no longer
any children in the exposed groups; that no exposed Utirik control group
was necessary since the Rongelap control group served adequately for both
Utirik and Rongelap exposed groups. It is feared that the medical team
is being blamed for not including the other groups in spite of explanation
that the Law and the agreement were written by the Congress of Micronesia
and ERDA and T.T. and not by the medical team. Congressman John Haglelgam

unfortunately had not been sufficiently briefed on the situation and was

at an disadvantage when questioned by the people.
(It was also apparent
in meeting with Dr. M. Kumangai and Health Service personnel of the Trust
Territory at Majuro that there were many uncertainities in their minds
about implementation of the agreement, particularly regarding per diem
payments). It would seem that further clarification of the bill and agreement are indicated.
Another complaint at Rongelap was that the fruits
from their trees were reduced in size and number which they relate to
radiation effect. This is a recurring subject which should be clarified.


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