More general recommendations are as follows:

As time permits, factors should be examined wnich contribute to

biasing the INP and/or soil sample results.

The surface soil activity relating to the cleanup criteria should

be more clearly defined. Are we talking about activity per gram of
dry soil, less than a certain particle size, containing no rocks,
averaged over the top 3 cm? Or are we talking about activity per
gram of in-situ material averaged over the area and depth of whatever the IMP sees?

If the definition relates more closely to the soil samples, then

it is recommended that all the IMP measurements be multiplied by an
imperically determined correction factor according to Table 1, providing that factors leading to biasing in the soil sample results
have been examined and resolved.

If the definition relates more closely to the IMP readings, then

it is recommended that no corrections be made unless biasing of
greater than 10% in one direction has been verified.

Select target paragraph3