sauipies werttdken (U-- 2.9 Cm anad-Z.o TO > CM). FUr imeulMerSix 10Cd=—
tions, 6 samples were taken (0 - 1.5, 1.5 - 3, 3 - 4.5, 4.5 - 6, 6 - 8,
8 - 10 cm). The locations circled in Fig. 4 correspond to the latter 6
For the 6 locations where only 2 samples were taken, the cookie
cutter was used. For the other locations (circled in Fig. 4), a different
method was used. Two pieces of tin, about 20 x 30 cm in size, were taped

(yeLlow) with 1.5 cm strips for reference. The two pieces of tin were then
"sawed" into: the soil to a depth of 10 cm forming a 90° angle with each

other. Soil was then removed from the perimeter of the sample area and
placed into a plastic bag. With a 3rd piece of tin a 1.5 cm layer was
"cut" off the top and removed. Successive layers were then removed in like
manner. After sampling was completed, the soil from the bag was placed
back into the hole.
All sampling locations were in undisturbed soil. At only one location

was it necessary to stop short of 10 cm depth due to a ledge of old beach



Select target paragraph3