Mr. Tom McCraw
September 22, 1976
Page 8.
The question of a generalized approach should also be.taken -up -wi-th

Dr. Delfiner. The genera] level and heterogeneity of plutonium activity
in soil over an island will certainly affect the total number of samples
required for cleanup (if any) and certification. However, the general
sampling design may be applicable to all islands.

I hope this letter will help you in planning for the Enewetak sampling and
cleanup effort. Some of the ideas discussed here are in pretty rough form
and would need considerable thought to develop a final plan. Hopefully my

brief comments on “acceptance sampling" will serve to stimulate discussion

on its merits relative to the "average concentration" approach for deciding

whether cleanup is required or has been achieved.
Best regards,

Richard 0. Gilbert
Senior Research Scientist

Systems Department
Statistics Section

Roger Ray, ERDA, NV, Las Vegas
Bruce Church, ERDA, NV, Las Vegas
Paul Dunaway, ERDA, NV, Las Vegas
Mary White, ERDA, NV, Las Vegas

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