Mr. Tom McCraw
September 22, 1976
Page 5.
B. The question of whether to cleanup an island or part of- an island can
be put in a hypothesis testing framework. In particular, what is known as

"acceptance sampling" appears to be a useful approach since there is no

need to make any assumptions (normal, lognormal, etc.) about-the statistical
distribution of the data. The basic idea is to specify (1) an activity level,

say L, above which cleanup is indicated, (2) a propersion (p,) of samples

with activities greater than L that is acceptable, (3)

a proportion (po) of

samples with activities greater than L that is not (3) oa ere (4) the

allowable risk (a) of concluding that cleanup is necessary when it really

isn't, and (5) the risk (8) of concluding that cleanup is not necessary when

in fact cleanup is necessary. Once these quantities have been specified we
can determine (i)the number of samples n required in order: to meet these
specifications, and (ii) the rejection number r. If r or more of the n
samples have activities greater than L, then cleanup is required. Note that
this approach assumes we are willing to tolerate a certain proportion (pj)
of samples with activities greater than L without cleaning up the area. Of
course, P, can be specified to be as smal] as we choose.

The risk 8 should be specified as a smal] quantity since the consequences of

not cleaning up a contaminated area could be considerable to the inhabitants

of the area.
1-8 is known as the “power" of the design, i.e. the probability
that the area is cleaned up when the actual proportion is po. On the other
hand we would also like a to be near zero so as to avoid unnecessary cleanup
In the following table we give values of n and r for various
values of py, Pg, a, and 8. These were obtained using Table 13 in Burstein,
H., 1971.
Attribute Sampling;Tables and Explanations, McGraw-Hill, 464 pp.
These values of n and r are for a non-sequential sampling plan. A sequen-

tial plan would probably require fewer samples.
From the results in TABLE 1 we note that:


As a gets larger the number of samples (n) required decreases when
P1» P2. and B remain constant. Hence, if we are willing to risk

Spending more money on cleanup, the number of samples we need to
-collect decreases.


As B increases (power decreases) the number of samples n also
decreases when Pj, pz, and & remain constant. Hence, if we are

willing to take a higher risk of missing some areas needing
cleanup, we won't need to take as many samples.

As po increases, the number of samples (n) decreases. If our
cleanup criterion is that 10% rather than 2% of the samples must
be greater than L before cleanup is started, then only 113 rather

than 3063 samples need be taken (assuming p] = a = B=.01).


is it will take many fewer samples to detect a difference between
Py = .O] and po = .10 than to detect a difference between p
and pp = .02. Hence, as py and po are placed closer together( for

given a and g), the number of samples (n) increases.

Select target paragraph3