2.2.11 USS LST-551
At the time of shot BRAVO, LST-551 was operating in an area 30 miles west of

At approximately 1000 hours, the ship entered Enewetak Lagoon whereit

remained anchored/beached off Parry Island until 3 March, when it left for Bikini. It
is assumed that while beached at Parry, the LST-55I1 received the same fallout as the
residence islands of Enewetak between 1745 and 2300 hours on 1 March (Section 2.2.1

and Figure 2-3).
Shortly after Shot ROMEO was detonated on 27 March, LST-551, which had been

beached on Parry Island (Enewetak), got underway for Bikini.

At approximately 1500

hours, the ship began receiving a relatively light fallout which peaked at 1900 hours
with average topside intensities approaching 3 mR/hr. There is no mention in the deck
log of efforts to decontaminate the ship, but by 0800 hours on 28 March, when it

arrived at Bikini, intensities were only 0.3 mR/hr (Reference 10). During the night of
28 March and early morning of 29 March, LST~551 was beached on EnemanIsland at
Bikini when it received more fallout.

At 0315 hours on 29 March, Materia! Condition

ABLE was set throughout the ship and the deck log states that it "took rad-safe
measures". Intensities at this time were approximately 25 mR/hr.

From the deck log,

it appears that crew routines during the day of 29 March were not altered by the

presence of this contamination.

Figure 2-22 depicts the reconstructed radiation

environment onboard the LST-551 resulting from Shot ROMEOfallout.
The only other radioactive fallout received by the LST-551 while at Operation

CASTLE was following Shot NECTAR on 14 May. Although shipboard radiological data
was not obtained to documient the NECTAR fallout, it is assumed that while anchored

in Enewetak Lagoon on 14 May, the LST-551 received the same fallout as was
experienced on the residence islands during the same time period (See Section 2.2.1

and Figure 2-5).
The LST-551

made eight trips to Bikini from Enewetak during Operation

CASTLE. Specific time periods in and out of the lagoon and integrated intensities for
each period as determined from the ship contamination model are as follows:


Select target paragraph3