2.2.10 USS GYPSY (ARSD-1)
At the time of Shot BRAVO, the GYPSY was in its assigned area east-southeast
of Bikini (see Figure 2-1).

Being much farther south than the BAIROKO, PHILIP, and

ESTES, the GYPSY did not receive the early fallout that these ships did.


began to rise on the deck of the GYPSY at approximately 1400 hours and peaked at
1800 hours when a shipboard survey indicated average intensities of 250 mR/hr

(Reference 10).
being turned on;

The GYPSY's deck log makes no mention of the washdown system
however, a rapid decrease in average topside intensities to 150

mR/hr by 2000 hours (Figure 2-21) suggests some efforts were made to decontaminate
the ship, probably with fire hoses.

Figure 2-21 also indicates that further efforts to

decontaminate the ship were made between 0800-1200 hours on 2 March (H+25 to

H+29) when average intensities were reduced to 45 mR/hr.

The GYPSY reentered

Bikini Lagoon at approximately 1300 hours on 2 March, and the following day the crew

began to wash down (decontaminate) the LCUs and other smail craft that had beenleft
in the lagoon for Shot BRAVO.

Topside intensities did not decay as rapidly on the

GYPSY as on the other ships in the lagoon. It was surmised at the time (Reference 10)
that the reason for this was that the ship's weather decks were quite rusty, which
appeared to hold the radioactive particles.

Also, the ship was used extensively to

recover contaminated chains and mooring gear from the bottom of the lagoon. Except
for two brief periods out of the lagoon on 12 and 19 March, the GYPSY remained in
the lagoon conducting salvage operations until it got underway for Kwajalein on 26

The GYPSYarrived at Kwajalein on 27 March, but on 30-31 March when that
atoll received fallout from Shot ROMEO (see Section 2.2.2), the ship was conducting
aircraft recovery operations at Ailinglapalap Atoll.
April and on 9 April it departed for Pear! Harbor.

It returned to Kwajalein on 2

The GYPSY did not return to the

PPG during Operation CASTLE; hence, Shot BRAVO was the only detonation that
resulted in fallout on this ship.

The GYPSY remained in Bikini Lagoon almost continuously from 2-26 March,
departing only twice for brief periods.


The ship contamination model described

Select target paragraph3