At the time of Shot BRAVO, the AINSWORTH was about 5-10 miles southeast of

the CURTISS and did not encounter the early fallout as did the CURTISS, PHILIP,
BAIROKO, and ESTES, all of which were north of the AINSWORTH's position. At 1300
hours, the ship began receiving fallout and, by 1700 hours, average topside intensities

had reached 22 mR/hr (Reference 10).

Although not explictly stated in the deck log,

there is an indication that the ship utilized its washdown system shortly after the
fallout started and also intermittently between 1600 hours, | March and 0800 hours, 2

Figure 2-19

depicts the average topside intensity following Shot BRAVO.

The leveling off at 20 mR/hr for a 12-hour period is indicative of either using the
washdown system while fallout is still being encountered or cloud "shine”.

The latter

is unlikely since the AINSWORTH was in company with the CURTISS enroute to
Enewetak during this time period and a similar phenonemon was not seen to occur on

that ship (see Section 2.2.6).

It is also noted from Figure 2-19 that decontamination

with fire hoses may have been attempted between 1200 and 2000 hours on 2 March
(H+29 to H+37), in order to reduce intensity levels to 10 mR/hr.

Following Shot ROMEO on 27 March, the AINSWORTH, with many of the other
TG 7.3 ships, reentered Bikini Lagoon at approximately 1300 hours.

During the

evening of 28 March and early morning of 29 March, the AINSWORTH encountered
secondary fallout from the ROMEO cloud (Reference 10).

Topside intensities peaked

at 24 mR/hr at midnight but did not begin to decline significantly until approximately

0800 hours, 29 March (H+50).

The deck log makes no mention of efforts to

decontaminate the ship on 29 March. The AINSWORTH remained in the lagoon until 5
April when:it got underway in preparation for Shot KOON on 7 April.

depicts the average intensities resulting from Shot ROMEO fallout.

Figure 2-20

No other shot in

the test series resulted in fallout on the AINSWORTH.
The AINSWORTHentered Bikini Lagoon ten times between 5 March and the end

of May.

Specific periods of time in and out of the lagoon, as well as the corresponding

integrated intensities determined from the ship contamination model, are as follows:


Select target paragraph3