BRAVO, the maximum intensity below deck on any ship due to contaminated saltwater
systems was measured on the exterior of an auxilary condenser on the CURTISS

(Reference 10). This reading was 30 mR/hr, but Reference 10 states that "the average
intensity in the engineering spaces where this condenser was located was only about 2
milliroentgens per hour" (48 mR/day).

The ship contamination model predicts an

average intensity below of 25 mR/day for the CURTISS (Table 2-6, March 6) whichis

consistent with a maximum reading of 48 mR/day.

It was calculated (Reference 6)

that engineering spaces in the vicinity of saltwater piping systems would have
intensities approximately [.5 times the average below deck intensity;

hence, the

measured maximum on the CURTISS appears to support the ship contamination model.


Select target paragraph3