At the time of Shot BRAVO, the BELLE GROVE was slightly farther east of GZ
than were the BAIROKO, ESTES, and PHILIP.

When it received word that these other

ships were receiving fallout shortly after 0800 hours, it steamed in a southerly

direction and avoided being contaminated by the early-time fallout (Reference 10). At
noon on shot day, the BELLE GROVE began receiving fallout.

Material Condition

ABLE was set at 1245 hours, and 7 minutes later the ship's washdown system was

activated (Reference &).

Even with the washdown system on, topside intensities rose

to approximately 30 mR/hr before it was turned off and the ship opened up at 1537

Intensities continued to rise onboard the ship throughout the day, and by 2012

hours when the ship was closed up and the washdown system turned on again, topside
intensities averaged 300 mR/hr (Reference 10).

The washdown system was turned off

at 2115 hours and, when Material Condition BAKER was set at 2223 hours, intensities

had been reduced to approximately 100 mR/hr.

Figure 2-13 depicts the average

topside intensities on the BELLE GROVE following Shot BRAVO. It appears that some

efforts were made to decontaminate the ship between 1600 (H+33) and 2000 hours
(H+37) on 2 March when intensities were reduced to 20 mR/hr.
The only other detonation in the CASTLE series that resulted in contamination
of the BELLE GROVE was Shot ROMEO. On 27 March, the BELLE GROVE reentered
Bikini Lagoon at approximately 1300 hours.

During the early evening of 28 March,

while still at anchor, the ship began receiving a relatively light fallout. At 2000 hours,
topside intensities were 4 mR/hr and increasing (Reference 10).

Material Condition

ABLE was set throughout the ship at 2200 hours and, at midnight, average topside
intensities were 20 mR/hr.- From Figure 2-14 it appears that light fallout continued to
contaminate the ship until approximately 0800 hours, 29 March (H+50).

Although the

sharp decline in intensity after the peak is reached (Figure 2-14) suggests that
decontamination was initiated, no mention is made in the deck log of any attempt to
decontaminate the ship following Shot ROMEO.

The BELLE GROVE entered Bikini Lagoon fifteen times between 2 March and
the end of May.

Specific periods of time in and out of the lagoon, as well as the


Select target paragraph3