final report (Reference 10) which states, "At 1900M on shot day (UNION) a report was
received from the rad-safe monitoring team at Enewetak to the effect that Fred
(Enewetak Is.), Elmer (Parry Is.), and Ursula (Rojoa Is.) were reading background."
Reference 10 also states that, "By noon on shot day (YANKEE), it was evident that
Enewetak would not be contaminated.

This was confirmed at 1900M (shot day) by a

report from the rad-safe alert system at Enewetak, indicating Fred, Elmer and Ursula

with negative contamination."

Since fallout arrival times and durations were not

detailed in Reference 14, the reported contamination was probably due to cloud
"shine" as small portions of the radioactive cloud passed near Enewetak.


cloud tracking information in Reference 10 indicates that the UNION cloud drifted to
the north of Enewetak while the YANKEE cloud drifted to the south of the atoll. Any
dose received by island-based personnel from these two shots would have been
insignificant compared to BRAVO and ROMEO fallout and is not considered in this
Shot NECTAR, the only shot in the CASTLE series detonated at Enewetak,
produced very little fallout on the residence islands in the southern portion of the
atoll. Radiation intensities on Parry Island began to increase at 1830 hours on 14.May

and peaked at 2 mR/hr at approximately 2100 hours the same day (Reference 12).
Radioactive decay after 2100 hours (H+14.6) is assumed to follow the Bikini rates asit
did with the previous shots.

Figure 2-5 depicts Shot NECTAR fallout and its

relationship with background intensities from Shots BRAVO and ROMEO.


curve is the total intensity resulting from fallout from all three shots.
The intensity curves in Figures 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5 have been time integrated from
the beginning of fallout through 31 May 1954.

Daily contributions to the free-field

integrated intensity from each source have been summed and are tabulated in

Table 2-1.



Select target paragraph3