obtained with several gamma ionization time-intensity meters on Bikini (Reference 11)
are as follows:
3< t <10


k = -1.19

10< t <48


k = -0.82

4&8 < t <480 hours;

kK = -1.50


> 480 hours;

k = -1.20

A varying decay of this type is consistent with the presence of Np-239 (ty, = 56 hr) and
U-237 (ty =160 hr), which are both generated in significant quantities fro:n neutron
Capture in uranium.

After several half-lives, when the presence of

these two

radioisotopes no longer dominate the decay rate, it approaches the traditional rie

In the absence of radiological survey data, the time-dependent decay rate is

used in reconstructing the radiation environments on the ships and atolls covered in
this report.

Generally, radiologicat data on the residence islands of Enewetak and

Kwajalein support a t7!-5 decay rate between 48 and 480 hours after detonation;
shipboard data indicate slighily greater decay rates (t™

16 5 471-9) during the same

The steeper shipboard decay rates can be attributed to a combination of the

increased effectiveness of "weathering" on a ship's surfaces (as opposed to island soil),
and to decontamination being carried out onboardtheships.
All of the ships addressed in this report encountered fallout following one or
more of the six CASTLE detonations. In most instances, particularly where significant
fallout was encountered, shipboard
topside radiation environment.

radiological data are available to define the

In some instances, however, shipboard environments

must be inferred from radiological data obtained on nearby islands, such as
residence islands of Enewetak and Kwajalein Atolls.


For each atoll and ship, an

average intensity curve is presented showing the free-field radiation intensity as a
function of time after each shot that resulted in significant fallout.

The intensity

curves are then time-integrated to yield a daily free-field integrated intensity for
each atoll/ship through 31 May 1954, when the roll-up phase was nearly complete.

The water in Bikini Lagoon also became contaminated following several of the
five detonations conducted there.

As ships steamed or anchored in the contaminated


Select target paragraph3