left in Bikini Lagoon during shots detonated there. The BAIROKO provided helicopters
and a radiological laboratory.
personnel and small craft.

The BELLE GROVE provided

the boat pool, both

The CURTISS transported the test devices and the

associated personnel of TG 7.1. The ESTES was the JTF-7 flagship and also provided

headquarters facilities for the staffs of TG 7.1 through 7.4 during operations at Bikini.
The destroyers EPPERSON, NICHOLAS, PHILIP, and RENSHAW provided surface
security patrols and performed plane guard, escort, and air control station duties.

LST-551 and LST-762 provided interatoll transportation.

The LST-825 and LST-975

were transient ships not attached to TG 7.3 and thus had no operational assignments
with respect to the rest of the task group (Reference1).
Because the first five shots were detonated at Bikini, the majority of the ships

operated in the vicinity of Bikini until after Shot YANKEE on 5 May. Exceptions to
this were the LST-551 and LST-762 which, except for trips to Bikini between shots,

remained at or near Enewetak.

The LST-825 departed Enewetak the day after Shot

BRAVO enroute to Japan and LST-975 did not arrive in the PPG until approximately 1
May. Two of the four destroyers were always on patrol either in the Enewetak area or

far from Bikini at the time of the five Bikini events. Following Shot YANKEE, most
of the ships began to shift operations to Enewetak where Shot NECTAR was detonated
on 14 May.

and ESTES were normally anchored in Bikini Lagoon except for late on D-1 and well
into D-Day during which time they, along with the other ships operating in the vicinity
of Bikini, took assigned stations to the southeast of the atoll, some 30 to 50 nautical
miles from surface zero. All personnel evacuated Bikini aboard TG 7.3 ships the night
before each shot; return to Bikini anchorages was planned for the afternoon of D-Day.
2.1.1 Shot BRAVO
Shot BRAVO was detonated at Bikini Atoll at 0645 hours, 1 March 1954. Nine of
the task group ships were operating in the southeast quadrant off Bikini (see Figure
2-1), having departed Bikini the night before.


With the exception of the NICHOLAS,

Select target paragraph3