For Operation CASTLE, calculated doses and dosimetry data for the crews of
three ships are, for the most part, in good agreement.

During badged periods when

exposures were relatively high and radiation environments were well documented, the
dose calculations correlate well with the dosimetry data.

For periods when topside

intensities were not documented, generally Jate in the operation when radiation jevels
were low, agreement between calculated doses and dosimetry is not as good.

A ship

contamination model is used to estimate crew exposures due to radioactive water
contaminating the ships' hulls and saltwater piping systems while in Bikini Lagoon.
During the first two badging periods, doses accrued due to ship contamination are

masked by the much higher contribution from BRAVO and ROMEOfallout. During the
last badge period when fallout was not a significant factor, the SIOUX remained in
contaminated water of known intensity for a five-day period. Doses calculated using
the mode! are in excellent agreement with the film badge doses recorded onboard the

Table 6-! summarizes the calculated dose contributions due to fallout as well as
from ship contamination for the sixteen ships considered in this report; Enewetak and
Kwajalein Atoll fallout doses are also listed.

The total dose (with bounds) is tabulated

and, in the absence of dosimetry data, should be used for dose determination.


calculated distribution in dose due to the spatial nonuinformity of topside radiation
intensities is not reflected in the mean total dose or its bounds (see Section 4).


Select target paragraph3