randomly repositioned for each subsequent interval.

A distribution around the mean

film badge reading is calculated by assuming a random position, corresponding to an
intensity reading, each time a crewman comes on deck. The tails of this distribution
indicate, in a general way, the possible error of the mean dose if crew positioning were
significantly biased toward the extremes of intensity readings.


for personnel

moving continuously about the deck, their dose approaches the calculated mean.
In order to arrive at dose distributions, it is assumed the reported average

intensities used to reconstruct the topside environments in Section 2 were derived

many topside measurements that were normally distributed, and could be

characterized by a mean ( uy ) and standard deviation («). For the sixteen ships under
consideration, shipboard survey data are not available to substantiate this assumption;

however, detailed surveys on the YAG-40 following Shots ROMEO and YANKEE
indicate a distribution of topside intensity values that can be approximated by applying

a normal distribution to the data. Figure 4-1 summarizes the results of surveys taken
onboard the ship on 31 March and 8 May. Each survey consists of 70 topside intensity
readings obtained at the same location following each shot (Reference 18). _ The survey
data are depicted by histograms while the smooth curves represent normal distribu-

tions fitted to the survey data.

From Figure 4-1, it does appear that the topside

intensities following fallout deposition can be adequately represented by assuming a
normal distribution of values.

The fractional (of mean) standard deviation (u/o), a measure of the spread in the
intensity data obtained during each survey, is determined to vary between 0.52

(31 March survey) and 0.40 (8 May survey) on the YAG 40.

A value of 0.50 is chosen

as being applicable to represent the spread in intensity data around the average (mean)
values reported for the sixteen ships of interest.

The normal distribution around the

average intensity is integrated throughout each interval on deck to obtain the
corresponding distribution in dose.

When the dose distributions from all intervals are

combined, the square of the standard deviation of the resultant normal distribution is
equal to the sum of the squares of the standard deviations of the contributing
distributions. As contributions from more intervals are added, the fractional standard
deviation of the combined distribution decreases.


Because the calculated dose in

Select target paragraph3