
USS LST-551 Dose Calculations
The LST-551 experienced fallout after Shots BRAVO, ROMEO, and NECTAR

while participating at Operation CASTLE.

All fallout was either light (Shots BRAVO

and NECTAR), or came at a time when normal crew routines were not Significantly

altered by its presence (ROMEO).

The daily film badge dose is calculated by

multiplying the integrated intensity topside (Table 2-11) by the time-averaged

shielding factor (0.46); the integrated intensity below is multiplied by the fraction of
the day spent below deck (0.6),

Contributions from each source are summed and

converted to a film badge dose.

Table 3-11 gives the cumulative film badge dose

through 31 May 1954.

USS LST-762 Dose Calculations
Most of the fallout that was experienced onboard the LST-762 occurred while

the ship was beached on Parry Island, Enewetak Atoll (Shots BRAVO and ROMEO),
This fallout was relatively light and normal crew routines were probably nat altered by

its presence. Although Shot YANKEE fallout necessitated using the ship's washdown
system intermittently for a four-hour period during the afternoon of 6 May, intensities

were not so high as to seriously restrict crew duties. A "typical" work day has been
assumed on 6 May which tends to high-side the dose calculated for that day. The daily

film badge dose

is calculated by multiplying the integrated intensity topside

(Table 2-12) by the time-averaged shielding factor (0.46); the integrated intensity

below is multiplied by the fraction of the day spent below deck (0.6). Contributions
from each source are summed and converted to a film badge dose. Cumulative film
badge doses are given in Table 3-13 thorugh 31 May 1954.


USS LST-825 Dose Calculations

The LST-825 experienced light fallout following Shot BRAVO as it was passing
through the PPG enroute to Japan.

Crew activities would not have been altered by

this contamination. Since the ship's hull and interior saltwater systems did not become

contaminated from steaming in radioactive water, personnel film badge doses are
calculated by multiplying the integrated free-field intensities in Table 2-13 by the

time-averaged shielding factor (0.46), and then by 0.7 to convert to a film badge dose.
Cumulative film badge doses through 31 May 1954 are given in Table 3-13.

Select target paragraph3