2.2.17 USS RENSHAW (DDE-499)
On 1 March, when Shot BRAVO was detonated, the RENSHAW was on patrol
approximately midway between Enewetak and Bikini Atolls.




descending (See Section 2.2.1).




At about 2100 hours, the


BRAVO was already

Although not documented, it is probable that the

portion of the cloud responsible for the Enewetak fallout passed over the RENSHAW
sometime during the evening of | March, exposing the crew to levels of radioactive
fallout comparable to those documented on Enewetak. Since shipboard intensity levels
are not documented, it is assumed the RENSHAW received the same fallout as

Enewetak following Shot BRAVO. (See Figure 2-3).
On 27 March, the RENSHAW was on patrol when Shot ROMEO was detonated and

it did not return to Bikini until approximately 1500 hours, 28 March.
anchored in the lagoon until 31 March when it resumed patrol duties.

It remained

At 2000 hours,

28 March, the ship began receiving secondary fallout from Shot ROMEO and by 2400
hours, average topside intensities were 20 mR/hr (Reference 10). The deck log for 2829 March does not specify if decontamination of the ship was undertaken, but at 0800

hours on 29 March when the crew was mustered, average intensities were less than 10

Figure 2-29 depicts the average topside intensity onboard the RENSHAW

resulting from the Shot ROMEOfallout.
Following Shot NECTAR on 14 May, the RENSHAW briefly returned to Enewetak
Lagoon at approximately 0800 hours and again at approximately 1730 hours.
hours, it departed Enewetak enroute to Pear! Harbor.

At 2200

While in the lagoon between

1730 and 2200 hours, the ship probably received the same fallout as the residence

islands of Enewetak during this same period (See Section 2.2.1 and Figure 2-5). The
three other shots in the CASTLE series did not result in fallout on the RENSHAW.

The RENSHAW entered Bikini Lagoon eighteen times between 8 March and the
end of May.

Specific periods of time in and out of the lagoon, as well as the

corresponding integrated intensities determined from the ship contamination model,
are given below.


Select target paragraph3