. ee rt (Report: SECRET: NBS-3CB105 : bye Ta INCLASSIFIED s, Roulder National Bureau of Standard . Colo der, Boul bs., }. Hardt ck . TIONS DURING HIGH-ALTITUDE DETONA ARGUS. AND CF DTA OPERATION HAR Reno J.A. Kemper and Herbert May §, 1959. 7ép. Radiationat . 4. Yucca : seek parst . 3. ECTS FROM ELECTROMAGNETIC EFF Electromagnetic I. Authors (2) ll. Gorp. Author Ill. BL. Control No. 8492 N1L NBS -3CB107 8/62 (Report: SECRET) National Bureau of Standards, Boulder Labs., Boulder, Colo. HARDTACK PHASE I; WAVEFORMS AND SPECTRA. J. A. Kemper and Herbert Reno. September, 1959. 232p. \ 1. Hardtack_ 2. Ground Waves (Seismic) 3. Electromagnetic Waves 4. Blast Waves I. Authors (2) i. Corp. Author I. BL Control 5123 N9 NDL-TR-39 (Report: CONFIDENTIAL) Army Chemical Corps. Nuclear Defense Lab., Edgewood Arsenal, Md. PARTICLE STUDIES OF FALLOUT FROM A VERY-LOW-YIELD WEAPON, OPERATION HARDTACK (UV). Franklin D. Richardson, Ernest W. Bloore and John W. Behringer. October, 1962. 32p, Card: UNCLASSIFIED I. Authors (3) tl. l 2. 3. Corp. Author Fall-Ouvt — Hardtack Fig Burst 3p. abs. cds. NB 3-18-63 ~ 7 rin ~*~ a 2%