AFSWP-507 /* Secret cial Weapons Project, Armes SUN 46 t00¢ AFSWP-5C7 Washington Armed Forces 4 Forces Spe Special Weapons ha sards from Radioactive fall-out Wash surface bursts of very high yield nuclear weapons, Project, Technical analysis pores a report. D.C. Borg, et al May 1954 76p. , ates > . Gibson, TA., dre Paine, £W., br. 1, Castle 2. Bravo Burst-— Fall Gut 3. Fall Out ‘ ARA-M-5100 Secret Allied Research Associates, Inc, ARA-M=5100 ~ Preliminary positions for the Allied Research B-36D and the B47B in operation Associates, Inc. Castle, Memorandum, 4, Jamary 1954 17p. th dbiton 1, Castle 2. Airplane B-36D —Thermal Radiation Effects . 5. Airplane B-1,7B— 3. Airplane B-36D Blast Effects - \ —Blast Effects 4, Airplane B-i,7B —Thergal « Radiation Effects \ BY AUTHORITY OF & J BYAveo DATE CLASSIFICATION CANCELLED ‘ ARA-M=5101 Secret Allied Research Associates , ime, ARA-M-5101 Preliminary study of aircraft position for operation Castle, Memorandum. 4 January 1954 Allied Research Associates, Inc. 1. Castle 2. Airplanes— 9p. Thermal Radiatior Effects 3. Airplanes— Blast Effects a L '