Major General Frank A. Camm, USA


This information is in basic agreement with that
accumulated from other sources, files, OS, etc., which
consider that 20 of the Atoll's 42 islands are in need
of cleanup and rehabilitation. (See Answer 4.)
Question 3:

Answer 3:

Question 4:
Answer 4:
Question 5:
Answer 5:

Describe the Bikini and Eniwetok land use histories.

See the attached memorandum from Cochran to Swindle, subject:
"Answers to Questions Posed by G. Wiltrout, DMA, on July 27,
Request suggested AEC schedule including chronology of
requirements and magnitude of AEC effort during cleanup.
See attached paper from NVwhich has been staffed through
AEC Headquarters.
How many Marshallese are expected to return to Eniwetok
The answer is unsettled and probably not now capable of
absolute determination. The answer turns on eligibility.
Records indicate that 120 persons were removed from the
Atoll. Estimates on those eligible to return range from
that figure to about 200.
Efforts are being made to obtain a figure from the
Department of the Interior, Office of Trust Territories.

Question 6:
Answer 6:

How was contaminated Bikini soil disposed of?
There was no need to decontaminate the soil at Bikini since
there was no contamination by direct means (i.e., explosions
on or directly over the islands. Most shots were from barges,
etc.) The preponderant source of contamination resulted from
fallout only.

Joe Deal, DOS.

Yiblian HiMey
William W. Gay

Captain, USN

Assistant Director for Tests

1. Cy memo fm Cochran to
Swindle dtd 7/29/71
2. NV Paper re Eniwetok
Atoll Cleanup

Select target paragraph3