
The lack of any Bikini representative at the March 22,
House Interior Subcommittee on Appropriations Hearing.



Mr, Henchi Balos, now Member of Parliament representing the
people of Kili-Bikini, learned of the recent inspection visit

of High Commissioner Winkel and the Bikini delegation to Hawaii

only by accident when he was in Honolulu enroute to Washington
and New York City with the Marshalls Political Status Delegation.

Mr. Weisgall also was not aware of the inspection trip to
Had he known of the impending visit, he could have
arranged the U.N. Trusteeship portion of the Bikini schedule in
such a manner as to make it possible for him and Mr. Henchi
Balos to be in Hawaii at the same time the High Commissioner
was there.
There would have been considerable value in participating in the inspection trip and also talking to High Commissioner


Mr. Waltz (Advisor to the Bikini Council) noted that there was
no advance notice on the recent "whole body counting" examination of former residents of Bikini who now are on Kili.
A field trip ship simply appeared to take the people to Jaluit.
Also, the ship used did not have safety measures, i.e., women
and children were taken across the reef in bad weather without
life jackets.
The people were taken without advance notice to
Jaluit for the examinations and were provided only $10.00 for
their expenses, which was not sufficient.


Also, the Kili-Bikini Council never is furnished any copies
of reports by the Department of Energy, copies of hearings
on Bikini, etc.

Dr. Bruce Wachholz, Co-ordinator for Marshalls Radiological matters, DOE,
Stated that his Department was very much disturbed at the lack of coordination of the recent "whole body counting" exercise. at Kili and
assured the Bikini representatives that future arrangements would be
handied differently.
He explained that much of the confusion resulted
because there had been unexpected last minute changes.
problems had arisen with respect to the D.0O.E. logistic vessel on which
the "whole body counting" was to have been done.
That vessel could not
be used and a TTPI field trip ship at the Last moment was substituted.
It was then found that the "whole body equipment!’ could not be connected
to the electrical system of the ship and the whole body counter had to be
taken to Jaluit where there is alternating current.
This was the reason
why the people who were to be examined had to be taken to Jaluit.

Misunderstanding with respect to the Northern Marshalls Radiologicat

Survey Report

He also noted that the Northern Marshalls radiological survey report
presented at the March 22, 1979, Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing

Select target paragraph3