Eberline Instrument Company (EIC)
on April 2, 1973.


The analytical work at EIC was begun

The plutonium results reported by EIC look quite reasonable.


control samples gave results which agree well (within 20%) with values
measured at other labs.

18 May 1973

Samples received - soils


Pu data reported


Sr data reported


University of Washington, Seattle (UW) Analysis of a set of lé selected fish samples for #39, 25x, and
Re is in progress at UW and MCL.

Data will be compared to assure

accurate calibration of tracers, etc.

Ashing has been completed on

many of the 188 fish samples to be handled at UW; Fe analyses have
been performed on these samples.
some problems with chemical yield.

Analysis for plutonium has presented
These problems have been worked

out and they will proceed with the calibration samples.
A progress report will be issued every two weeks.

Dr. Richard W. Hoff

Deputy Division Leader
Radiochemistry Division



Select target paragraph3