DDE498: VLM: GWA: wk






5 Mar 1954

it was explained that it was to the best interests of the Rongelap
people to leave the atoll and that the PHILIP was there for that
purpose, Mr, Wilds was present during all the conversation with
John the Magistrate and was of much assistance as also was LCDR
V. L. MURTHA, Executive Officer of the PHILIP whose Majuro Island
Government background proved very helpful in oonvincing the Marshellese that they should leave,
4, The information that the people would leave Rongelap was passed
very quickly. Each person was asked to bring a small handbag as the
only baggage since the monitors readings indicated a high dosage an
sleeping mats, palm baskets, and other personal belongings. It ia
considered very important that once the accepted leader is established +
and identified that all requests be made through him without exception,

This procedure expedited the entire operation.


5. It was decided to utilize the PBM to transport the elderly and the
sick to Kwajalein. John designated sixteen (16) persons and this party
vas embarked in the aircraft in about an hour and a half after the
party first landed, These passengers are listed in Enclosure (1) which
is forwarded herewith,
6, Fortunately, the Marshallese were not reluctant to leave the islend,
The magistrate explained that the people had been sick and he obviously
deduced that all of the people would soon be provided the necessary
medical care. John was apprehensive ebout the safety of his boat, a
30 foot sloop. The sloop was towed by the ship's whale boat to a better
lee, Two anchors were dropped and the boat appeared to be in good holding
7, The forty eight (48) remaining Marshallese were transported via two
ehip's whale boats to the PHILIP. Names of evacuses are listed in

enclosure (1).

8. De-contamination of the Marshallese commenced immediately upon en.
barkation, Routes had been previously established and the de-contamination teams on station ready to guide the passengers to the de-contamina-

tion center (after crew's washroom),

Clothing was placed in two G.I, cans

aft and after a thorough shower clean clothes were readily available at

the exit,

The crew donated sufficient white and dungaree trousers,

dungaree and "T" shirts without which the de-contamination could not have

been as effective,


CNL ae

Select target paragraph3