
c/o Fleet Post Office


San Francisco, California

Ser: 054
28 March 1954


Commanding Officer
Commander Task Group 7.3


Rongelap Survey Trip 25 - 26 March 1954; report of


The USS NICHOLAS (DDE-449) departed BIKINI Atoll at 1900M, 25 March

1954 for RONGELAP Atoll in accordance with Commander Joint Task Force S=VEN
231131Z and Commander Task Group 7.3 232323Z of March 1954.

personnel from Task Group 7.1 were on board:

The following

Dr. Lauren R. Donaldson

br. Thomas L. Shipman
Dr. sdward #. Held
Dr. Ralph F. Palumbo
Lr. Paul R. Olson
Dr. Thomas N. White

Mr. Nilliam W. nobbins

Mr. Pascuale R. Schiavone



Major Charles M. Barnes, USAF


2. The ship arrived off the South Entrance, RONGELAP Atoll at 260100M and
put a whale boat in the water at 260630M to meet the plang arriving from
Kwajalein with Dr. Dond's party.

The ship then proceeded to Northeast Pass, RONGILAP 4toll, entered and


Dr. Donaldson and his party departed the ship at O830N.

4. The plane from Kwajalein arrived off RONGELAP at O905M, was met by the
Dr. Bond, Mr. Marion Nilds, three Public Health Sarvice Officers,
three Natives and miscellaneous equipment was transported to the beach. The

plane was guided to an anchorage about two hundred (200) yards off shore
from the village where it was anchored.

a. Personnel from the NICHOLAS assisted Dr. Sond to accomplish the
following: Capture five young pigs and one sow; capture five chickens;
obtain soil, fruit and vegetation samples. One boar was killed and an au-~

topsy was performed on the spot. The animals and other samples wers placed
in cages and trénsported to the plane. Ur. Eonds party departed RONCELsAP
at 1300M, 26 March 1954, The whaleboat then departed RONGSL.»F Island and

proceeded »orth to rejoin the ship, stopping at BUSCH and aNIAsTOK Islend

to mzasure radioactive intensity.

One member of RadSurvey Tzem accompanied

this boat to condict RadSurvey on Southeastern Islands.

Ur. Donaldson's

party worked in the Northeast part of RONGSLAP Atoll, collecting fish, soil,

birds, invertebrates, algae and vegetation samples.

One member of RadSurvey

Team accompanied this this party to conduct RadSurvey of Northern Islands.
It was not possible to collect rats, as desired, due to the unexpected de-

COPIED/D0Eparture of the ship as directed by Commander Task Group 7.3 2602172 of larch
LANL RC 1954.



Select target paragraph3