



Collected by the Nuclear Science and Engineering
Corporation. Sanvles were taken by direct fall into
galvanized tubs on the roof of the laboratory building, The precipitation in inches is that reported
by the local Weather Bureau station for the period
of sample collection.

i. CL 681-P: Rain, PI-1-RW, 0.625 gal., 0,51", collected 1630, February 25, 1955 to 1430, March 1, 1955,

38.5 + 2.3


CL 682-P:


CL 683-P: Rain, PL-3-RW, 1,08 gal., 1.32", collected 1200, March 10, 1955 to 1730, March 17, 1955.

370k + 242

CL 68h-P:

4.2 + 0.9


Rain and snow, PI-2-RW, 0.643 gal., 1.85"

35.2 + 5.1

rain, 2.3" snow, collected 1430, March 1, 1955 to
1200, March 10, 1955,

Rain and snow, Pl-l-RW, 1.67 gal., 1.73"

of which 1,3" 4s snow, collected 1730, March 17, 1955

to 1200, April 15, 1955.

56 CL 685-P; Rain, PL-5-RW, 3,0 gal., 0.9", collected
1200, April 15, 1955 to 1200, April 20, 1955,

49.5 + LO

6. CL 686-P: Rain, PL-6-R¥, 7.0 gal., 2.17!" rain, collected 1200, April 20, 1955 to 1200, April 25, 1955.


CL 695-P: Rain, PL~8-RW, 0.96 gal., 0.29" collected

1200, April 25, 1955 to 1200, May 11, 1955,

8, CL 696-P: Rain, PI-9-RW, 1.51 gal., 0.30", collected 1200, May 11, 1955 to 1200, May 1h, 1955.


CL 697-P: Rain, PI-10-RW, 0.85 gal., 0.28", collec-

ted 1200, May 1h, 1955 to 1000, May 23, 1955.

15.0 + 0.7
93.5 + Sel
182 + 10

ted 1000, May 23, 1955 to 1030, May 2h, 1955.


CL 699-P: Rain, PL-12-RW, 0.83 gal., O.h", collected 1030, May 2u, 1955 to 1100, May 26, 1955,

40.5 + 1.9


CL 700-P: Rain, PL-13-RW, 0.6 gal., 0.20", collec-

3+ 7


ted 1100, May 26, 1955 to 1100, May 31, 1955,
cL 758=P:

Rain, PL-1)-FW, 1h.5 Bales 2.72",


11.6 + 0.6

CL 759-P;

Rain, PL-15-RW, 1.91 gal., 0.38", collec-

10.2 + Osh

ted 1100, May 31, 1955 to 1500, June 8, 1955.

ted 1500, Jure 8, 1955 to 1000, June 11, 1955,




Select target paragraph3