



Sunshine Units

Botanical Samples

Ae United States:

Alfalfa samples from Chicago Milkshed
soils collected by Dr. L, T, Alexander, Soil Survey

Laboratory, Plant Industry Station, U. S. Department of

Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland,
soil samples similarly numbered.)

(Related to milk and

CL 42: Grabow Farm (#1), Rock County, Wisconsin,
collected September 28, 1953, 140.5 g ash, 6. g Ca,

_ 2. CL 43:

Swain Farm (#2), Rock County, Wisconsin,

5.30 + 0.19

Swanson Farm (#3), Winnebago County, T1is-

7012 + 0.L0

collected September 29, 1953, 192.1 g¢ ash, 51.3 g Ca,


CL kh:

12,8 + 0.3

nois, collected September 29, 1953, 123.0 g ash,
2947 & Ca.



CL U5: Holcomb Farm (#h), Rock County, ‘fisconsin,
collected September 29, 1953, 130.5 g ash, 35,8 e@ Ca,

8.32 + 0.27

CL 6:

Lewke Farm (#5), Dane County, Wisconsin,

20.9 + 0.9

Premo Farm (#6), Columbia County, 'fisconsin,

4.05 + 0.15

collected September 30, 1953, 137.0 g ash, 9.25 g Ca.

6. CL 7:

collected September 30, 1955, 139.0 g ash, 27.8 g Ca.

7e CL 48: Kurpeski Farm (#7), McHenry County, Tllinois,
collected Septenber 30, 1953, 152.5 g ash, h1.3 g Ca.

7. + 0.46

8. CL 49:

4.95 + 0.27

Austin Farm (#8), McHenry County, Illinois,

collected October 1, 1953, 153.9 g ash,

2.2 g Ca.

“9- CL 50: McKee Farm (#9), McHenry County, Illinois,
collected October 1, 1953, 143.5 g ash, 32.5 g Cae
10. CL 51:

Blomberg Farm (#10), McHenry County, Illi-

nois, collected October 1, 1953, 183.9 g ash,

14.8 + 0.3

. 9250 + 0.34

56.9 4 Ca.

ll, CL 52: Van Winkle Farm (#11), near Wilmington,

4.98 * 0.22

12, CL 53: Carver Farm (#12), Will County, Illinois,

2.31 + 0.05

13, CL 339-P: Swain Farm (#2), Rock County, Wisconsin,

0,50 + 0,05

1h. CL 338-P: Holeomb Farm (#4), Rock County, ‘isconsin,

1.48 + 0,09

Tllinois, collected October 2, 1953, 111.) g ash,
23. g Cas
collected October 2, 1953, 156.8 g ash, 39.8 g Ca.
collected in October 195, bh.1 g ash, 11.8 g Ca,

collected in October 1954, 113.0 g ash, 17.0 g Ca,




Select target paragraph3