

Sunshine Units

CL 184: Merino sheep, just over 1 year old,
Mahzolina Estate, 15 km north of Rome, Italy, collected by Dr. L, slexander, killed March 3, 195h,

3.2 + 0.3

CL 185: Merino sheep, just over 1 year old,
Mahzolina Estate, 15 km north of Rome, Italy, collected by Dr. L. Jexander, killed March 3, 195k,

2.92 + 0,08

CL 456: Sheep, 1 year old, Italy, Beltsville
$3939 collected February , 1955, 153 g¢ ash,

2.3 + 0.2

70.2 g ash, 26.15 g Ca.

35.1 g ash, 14.37 g Ca.




& Cae

4.89 + 0.29

i237 collected February 4, 1955, 143.1 g ash,
el g Cae

236 CL 186:

Kirvircik sheep, 1 year old, Orman Chiftlik,

Turkey, collected by Dr. Le alexander, killed


March 1, -19Sh,.63-0 g ash, 23.1 g Ca,


CL 187:

Kirvircik sheep, 1 year old, Orman Chiftlik,

Turkey, collected by Dr. L. Alexander, killed

hed + 0.3

4,01 + 0,08

Kerch 1,,1954, 70.1 g ash, 26.85 g Ca.

256 CL 188: Kirvircik sheep, 1 year old, Orman Chiftlik, 2.77 + 0.08
Turkey, collected by Dr. L, dlexander, killed

March 1, 1954, 35.0 g ash, 14.02 g Ca.

CL 19: Sheep, 1 year old, Damascus, Syria, purchased by Dr. L, Jlexander, February 26, 195k, hh g
ash, 15.9 g Ca.

276 CL 195: Sheep, 1 year old, Damascus, Syria, purchased by Dr. i, alexander, February 26, 195h,

0.9 + 0.2

34.7 g ash, 12,3 g Cae

CL 189: Sheep, 1 year old, Beka's Valley, Lebanon,
collected by Dr. L, ilexander, February 25, 195k,

0.40 + 0,06

70 g ash, 26.2 g Ca.

296 CL 190: Sheep, 1 year old, Beka's Valley, lebanon,
collected by Dr. L. «lexander, February 25, 195),

70 g ash,


30. CL 191:

24.6 g Ca.



Sheep, 1 to 2 years old, Boghari, .lgeria,

purchased by Dr. L. -slexander, February 22, 195,
70 g ash, 26.1; g Ca.

31. CL 192: Sheep, 1 to 2 years old, Boghari, /dgeria,
purchased by Dr. L, ilexander, February 22, 195,
70 g ash, 2743 g Cae

1.0 + 0.1
2.1 + 0.1
0.61 + 0.01


Select target paragraph3