
Sunshine Units

3. Foreign, Southern Hemisphere

Brazil: Samples collected by Dr. Jairo Camara,
Departmento de Anatomia, Faculdade de Medicina,
Universidade de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte,
M. G., Brazil, Collection arrangements made by
Dr. Robert Briggs Watson, Rockefeller Foundation,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

CL 738:

Age 45 years, ‘Belo Horizonte,

Brazil, July 28, 1955, rib fragments, ster-


mum and cartilage, 62.5 g ash, 22.0 g Cae

CL 7h0:


Age 36 years, Curvelo, Brazil,

September 11, 1955, 15.4 g ash, h.98 g Ca

be Santiago, Chile: Samples collected by Dr. Juan
Vial, Catholic University School of Medicine,

Santiago, Chile. Collection arrangements made
by Dr. Robert Briggs latson, Rockefeller Founda-

tion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

(1) CL 712: Age 19 years, July 12, 1955,



0.025 + 0.00

tibia and rib, 59.7 g ash, 22 eh g Ca.
CL 713:

Age 2h years, July 18, 1955,

tibia and rib, 62.2 g.ash, 23.0 g Ca,

(3) CL 715: Age 18 years, July 22, 1955,

tibia and rib, 26.09 g ash, 9263 g Cas



CL 716: Age 20 years, August 2, 1955,.


tibiae and rib, 58.9 gash, 2.0) g Ca.

De Dentine

1. Boston, Massachusetts: Samples collected by Dr.

Stack during the summer, 195), and furnished by
Dr, Shields Warren, New England Deaconess Hospital,
ae- Group I:

Primary dentition both sound and

0.038 + 0,010

15.5 g Ca.

be Group II: Both sound and carious teeth from

children under 15 years (CL 236, 237, and 238),

- 19,8 g ash, 7.52 g Ca. Ce

Group II:

Carious teeth from children under

15 years (CL 239), 46.53 g ash, 17.1 g Ca,

2 aR

Seve ae a

carious, (CL 233, 234, 235, and 280), hl g ash,





Select target paragraph3