


The radiochemical technique for the separation of the
nuclides by means of ion exchange was adapted from the proce-

dure developed by Swartout etal, (1944) and Tompkins etal,

Preparation of samples

The dried samples were wet ashed with HNOz and H20o,
evaporated to dryness and redissolved in 0.2N HCl.

To check

the radiochemical procedures a "control" sample was prepared

in which 0.021c of w+85 was added to a 300-mg portion of dry
Puget Sound fish and then processed in the same manner as the
test samples.

The samples were filtered and the filtrates were

passed through cation resin columns prepared in the following

Preparation of the resin column
Dowex 50*, a sulfonated polystyrene resin of the cationic
type, of mesh size 100 ~- 200, was washed three times with 6N
HCl, rinsed three times with distilled water and twice with
Gilute HCl.

The resin suspension was placed in a glass column

6 mm in diameter and 100 mm in length containing a glass wool
plug in a constriction at the base of the tube.

Three column

volumes of 0O.2N HCl were run through the resin until the eluate
was clear and the desired flow rate was obtained.

* Available from Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Michigan


Select target paragraph3