Radiochemical separations were made by ion-exchange
and precipitation techniques and by gamma spectrum analyses
to determine the levels of tungsten-185 on selected samples
from the Eniwetok and Bikini test site and from the nearby
atolls of Rongelap and Ujelang

The isotope was identified

by its half life, maximum beta energy and gamma energy.


levels of wi85 were found on plant-leaf and soil samples at

Belle and Janet Islands (Eniwetok Atoll) and on plankton
collected 155 miles northwest of Eniwetok Atoll during August


Lower levels were found at Vera, Keith, and Henry

Islands (Eniwetok Atoll), Nan Island (Bikini Atoll), on the |
plankton near Ujelang and Rongelap Atolls and on samples from
the latter atolls.

The wi85 appeared to occur as surface

contamination with the exception of one fish sample taken at
Eniwetok Atoll in which the isotope was found in the liver
and spleen.

Select target paragraph3