~ 27 -

The average disintegration rate of this isotope in the four
algae was approximately twice that found in four species of
land plants as based on disintegration rate per gram of

Another species of algae (Caulerpa) at Vera Island


contained about one and one-half times as much wiS5 as did
two species of land plants from the same island.
Because wi85 was found in the marine algae, other
samples of marine organisms from Fniwetok lagoon also were

examined for this isotope.

The giant clam (Tridacna gigas)

is known to concentrate anions in the visceral mass (Lowman unpublished);


samples of Tridacna visceral mass

were collected September 27,

was known to be present.

1958,.at Vera Island where wis

The results of ion-exchange chemical

separations on this organ are shown in Tables 2 and 3.


was not present but two other anion radioelements were found --

Ry203+106_p,103+106 (270,000 d/m/e dry weight, 72 per cent of
total activity and Zr95-Nb95 (82,000 d/m/g dry weight, 22 per
cent of total activity).

In addition to the anions,


of the transition element cobalt were present in small amounts

(co!, one per cent; C038, 5 per cent; C060 , trace).
In a dogtooth tuna (Gymnosarda nuda) sample taken from
Eniwetok lagoon on June 22, however, wiss was found in low

level in the spleen (11,000 d/m/g dry weight, 4 per cent of

Select target paragraph3