- 19 MEV escape peak of wi85 were found in the gamma spectrum (Fig. 5).

A maximum beta energy of 0.43 MEV was determined by the mass
absorption technique; the half life, determined by beta counting,
was found to be approximately 7O days.

Plant-leaf samples collected at Janet Island on April 28,
at Belle Island on May 10 (Fig. 6, Tables 2, 3) and at Henry

Island on May 8, did not contain wi85; csl37 was the only gamma
emitter present.

However, plant-leaf and soil samples collected

at the same islands during June and August did contain radiotungsten.

Samples of pulverized coral were taken June 5» 1958, from
the crater of a nuclear device detonated near Janet Island on

May 26.

The results of gamma spectrum analyses on this material

from the target area are shown in Tables 2 and 3.
gamma emitters were detected:

wis ,

Cel4l_ppl4l |

Rul03_Rn103, Rut06_pp106 ang zr95-np95,

Only six
cel44_ ppl 44

The disintegration rate

of wi85 per gram of sample was 3,500,000 d/m and accounted for
67 per cent of the total radioactivity.
Island collected August 20,
miles from ground zero,

In top soil from Belle

approximately four and one-half

wi85 contributed 68 per cent of the

total radioactivity (13,000,000 d/m/square inch of top soil)*,
* Two types of surface soil samples were taken -- top inch and
top two inches.
In the top inch samples, one cubic inch of
s0i1 was considered to represent one square inch of exposed

In the two-inch samples, two cubic inches were
assumed to represent one square inch.

Select target paragraph3