
emitters present in the samples were determined from the gamma

curves by use of the method of Conally (1956).

A three-inch by

three-inch NaI (T1) crystal was used in conjunction with a 256channel analyzer.

Tests for the accuracy of the gamma spectrum

method were made with standards and with radioactive spikes the
disintegration rates of which had been determined from beta

Accuracy of + 20 per cent, based on known spike mixtures,

was obtained for six of the isotopes (W485, co27, cs137, zr95,
Co>8 and co®9) present in the samples.

‘The lowest limit of de-

tection of any given isotope in the. samples was approximately one
per cent of the total gamma activity.

The determinations of the

levels of Rul03..Ry,106 and cet41. gelt4 are not as accurate as those
obtained for the other isotopes because of the overlapping gamma
The ratio of Rut to Rul06 was calculated in the following


The .624 MEV peak of Rut06 was determined in selected

samples and the contribution of the
isotope was calculated.

.513 MEV peak from the same

This value was subtracted from the com-

posite .498 MEV gamma peak of Ru203 and the .515 MEV peak of Rul06
in selected samples,

and the remainder was assumed to be contrib-

uted by RulO3,
The ratio of Cel41 to celt4 was calculated in a similar


The 0.08 MEV and 0.03 MEV peaks of Cel44 were determined in

selected samples and the contribution of the .134 MEV Ce 144



Select target paragraph3