Tokyo to meet with the Committee on its return.

The Committee

then departed for Hiroshima on Friday, June 23, 1972.

Hiroshima today is no less a miraculous transformation
from its burned and tortured self to a modern metropolitan city
than is the fabled legend of the phoenix, a mythical Egyptian bird
which was consumed by fire and yet again rose out of its own
ashes in youthful freshness.

While the Committee's busy schedule of visiting official
facilities permitted little time to explore the city extensively,
the impression is very strong that no physical trace--except for
a preserved monument--remains today of the past destruction of
the city, unless it be in the deeper recesses of the hearts and
minds of the people who witnessed the explosion and survived.
The Committee paid courtesy calls to the Honorable Itsuo
Nagano, Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture and to the Honorable
Setsuo Yamade, Mayor of the city of Hiroshima.

During its

official work in Hiroshima it was aided invaluably by Mayor Yamada's
Foreign Affairs Chief,

Mr. Kaoru Ogura who acted as guide and

The various facilites seen by the Committee are

described below in the order visited.



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