Thus the Committee supports the theory that all radiation exposure ahove

background levels is harmful and that the effect--until disproven--is
roughly proportional to the dose.

As for hereditary damage, the Committee

notes with considerable interest and dismay that it is a proven fact that
all penetrating radiation delivered to the


cells, or gonads,


definitely harmful both in the short and long run.
The Special Joint Committee thus finds itself also in complete accord
with the intent and purposes of House Joint Resolution No,

105, H.D.


passed during the Second Special Session of the Fourth Congress which condemns
the Republic of France for testing H-bomb devices in the South Pacific.
It is clear to the Committee after its studies that the testing of nuclear
weapons--whether in space,

the atmosphere,

has no beneficial use for mankind.

in and on the sea, or underground--

The intent of such testing is infamous

in the first place, and the testing itself is detrimental to all mankind in
the long run.

No nation on the earth as the right--in the name of selfish

national pride and self-interest--to endanger the lives of innocent
generations of children all over the world.



Select target paragraph3