to support the linear theory.*

Proponents of the linear theory, however,

pointed out that evidence for threshold response was not sufficient to
definitely prove there was such a thing.

Much of the debata over the linear versus threshold theories results
(MPC) as

from the establishment of Maximum Permissible Concentration
mentioned in the Internal Exposure section.
established on a basic assumption:
for radiation;

that is,

The MPC for human beings is

that there exists a threshold effect

there is an amount of radiation above normal

background radiation which human beings can absorb and which will not cause
harmful effects

(or effects so small as to he able to he tolerated).

H,L. Friedell, of the School of Medicine at Western Reserve


testified before the U.S, Congressional Subcommittee thusly:

"At the very low levels where the levels begin to aporoach the natural
levels we are facing, I think there is grave uncertainty. This, of

*An interesting, entertaining tour de force diatribe against the linear
theory by one Alden Potter apnears on pages 1987 to 1996.



attacks many commonly held scientific concerts in biology, genetics,

statistics and mathematics to allege that there is indeed no linear experience

in nature.

A simplication of his reasoning is that we see threshold

relationships all throughout nature; nature is ordered by certain basic,
unchangeable laws and thus radiation effect must, too, be of a threshold

He states as an example:

"But if sensory equipment has its thresholds, living conditions
are also narrowly restricted to those prevailing in the so-called
Some heat is essential; much more or less, is lethal,

It's a case of not crossing a threshold and getting too much of

the good things of life; including life itself ... .
are the trace elements, essential to plant growth,

which is toxic.

Then there

an excess of

In short, there is no such thing as a ‘linear'

relation between life and the elemental forms of matter and energy,

A threshold is the very essence of life."

What this reasoning does not take into account is:


Human tolerance

to the effects of radiation may he possibly so low but for all practical



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