(bleeder's disease) is where certain elements in the blood, which
normally would stop a person from bleeding to death, are inadequate
or missing.

This means that his blood will not clot or thicken and

harden at the site of a wound.
from a simple cut.

A person with this disease may die

Diabetes is another disease with genetic origins.

How mutation works was explained by Dr. James F.

Crow, Professor of

Genetics and Biology at the University of Wisconsin, before the U. S.
Congressional hearings on fallout:
"Let me answer Senator Bricker's question.
"The implication of your question is that if I say the


majority of mutants that occur are harmful, why is it that the
great majority of genes that now exist in the population are


"The reason for this is natural selection.
The mutant genes
that have occurred in the past have been weeded out by the
process of natural selection so that the genes which now are
part of the normal population are those which have been retained

by this process of natural selection. Therefore, even though
the great majority of mitants at the time they occur are such

as to cause harmful effects to the descendants, the ones which

cause the most harmful effects are eliminated by natural selection. The genes left in the population are the beneficial

"A mutant that causes a great deal of harm is eliminated in a

few generations.

But one that causes only a small amount of

harm will persist much longer, and thus affect a correspondingly
larger number of persons.

On the average the larger number

affected by a mild mutation roughly compensates for the lesser
effect on the individual

“The total harm to the population, as measured by effects on
future generations,

is strictly proportional to the total

amount of radiation received by the reproductive cells of the


(94, p. 1012-3)

This illustrates the basic difference between irradiation of normal
somatic cells

(like blood cells) and of the reproductive cells.

Both can

be dangerous; however, damage to somatic cells can be repaired -—- and at


Select target paragraph3