a few days, months, or years.

This appears to be true especially with

high doses, although evidence from low doses with animals indicaves that

irradiation may, indeed, lengthen life somewhat, although at the same
time the life span of the group is not increased.

Since life~span studies

involve long periods of time (20-40 years), results so far have proved


it is generally accepted by scientists that high

doses of radiation more than likely lead to shortening of the life span,
through the production of malignant tumors.
shortened from


Whether or not life may be

causes is still in doubt.

Stillbirths, Miscarriages, Fertility
It has previously been thought that irradiation of the fetus, as it
is growing inside the mother, may cause birth of a dead child (still-

birth), or early delivery of the fetus (miscarriage).

Loss of fertility

(temporary sterility) of the mother or father can also be caused by radia-


Evidence is still unclear in regard to most of these effects.

Kumatori's study of Japanese fishermen exposed to the Bravo fallout did,

however, indicate loss of fertility of the men through depressed, or
greatly reduced, production of sperm cells

(75, p.

262), which would

indicate that irradiation does indeed affect human fertility.


findings on miscarriages and stillbirths are inconclusive, there are

other effects on the developing child (fetus) irradiated inside the
mother which were discussed previously or will be discussed later.

Growth and Development
Children irradiated before birth have been studied in both Japan and

the Marshall Islands.

In both instances it has been found that such

children show reduced height and weight and growth retardation, ranging
from slight to severe.

More detailed discussion of these findings will

be included in the relevant chanters to follow.



Select target paragraph3