

The year of 1938 was not particularly auspicious, historically perhaps,

with one exception.
In 1938 the United States was struggling upward out of a worldwide

depression which had heen triggered in 1929.
notable year for movies,

It was not a particularly

fashions, or politics;

isolationism characterized

the international mood of the American people.

In the Marshall Islands in 1938, sixteen-year-old qq was
probably contemplating his daily chores, the possibility of going fishing,

and the increasing presence of Japanese military personnel in his islands,
A singular event, however, did take place that year which would affect

the future lives of Japanese, Americans, and Marshallese alike--in fact,
all the people of the world.

It was the autumn of that year that German

scientists at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin split an atom of
Uranium 235


(54 pg. 9).

While it had been theoretically considered

this was the first time that it had been actually accomplished.

Splitting of this atom meant that a chain reaction was possible and creation
and control of a chain reaction meant that man had, within his grasp,
control of a basic force of nature and the universe.

How this power was to

be used would startle the world,
In May of 1942, the President of the United States of America, with
a simple "OK, FDR" notation, made a decision that the United States would
make an all-out, massive effort to develop the first atomic bombs before
Germany could

(54, p,

13), The successful operation of an atomic pile by

Dr. Enrico Fermi and the "Chicago Group" on December 2, 1942, at 3:25 a.m,
(54, p.


proved that the controlled chain reaction, necessary to

produce plutonium for an atomic bomb, was possihle,


Later, processes were

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