to the nucleus.

This is, perhaps,

an over-simplified description of the atom

but one which will have to suffice for our purposes.

There are a few

hundred different atoms and their difference is indicated by the number of

(neutrally charged)

their nuclei.

and protons

(positively charged)

"marbles" in

An element is defined as an atom with a given number of protons

in its nucleus.

Isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons

in their individual nuclei.
Two other qualities of atoms and their relation to radioactivity should
be mentioned,

Atoms may emit different types of particles of different

A second fact is that the number and arrangement of electrons

determines the chemical factors of an element.

While many are different,

there can also be atoms with the same number of electrons and, consequently,
the same number of positively-charged (protons) particles in the nucleus.
Since they are the same in this respect,

they are like chemical brothers.

They can form the same larger units like molecules.
There are

five types of emitted energies mentioned in this report but

only three will be used frequently.





Gamma rays


Alpha particles


Beta particles


The five are:

These particles are emitted duriny the chain reaction

which takes place during a nuclear explosion of an atom or hydrogen bomb.
A neutron has about the same mass as a proton hut is uncharged.

It is

highly penetrating in all materials except those of mass near that of its


Select target paragraph3