initial conditions as well as the maintenance of "deep easterlies"
from the Marshall Islands +o Guam would probably occur no more
_ than a few times a year, however, so the probability of any one

test being so affected is small. |




Air Filter Observations in the Western Pacific


The highest gir filter activity for the IVY opera-

‘Hons was collected at Kwoijslein fays +5 fics: days sfto> wre


(700 d/m/m?) ‘and at Truk two to three days after KING (100 d/n/m’).

‘No data was obtained at Kwajalein following KING, however, so it

‘ds possible that the highest air concentration would have again
been reported there.

Much fidigher sir filter samples. were reported fron
the continental tests, but these invariably were observed within -

48 hours of the burst.

Furthermore, the denser network within the:


- United States increases the chances of sampling within the peak

The Pacific network of air filters was not located

along the core of the low-level clowi of either MIKE or KING.


- samples obtained at Kwajalein were not from trade wind material,

but from debris that had initially mved in the high troposphere.
In general, the air filter samples of the western Pacific did not
fit the pattern suggested by either the gummed paper network or
. the meteorology. The correlation between the two types of collec-

tions appears to be very low. If air concentrations are considered
to be important, then steps should be taken to augment the air


filter network for future Pacific tests and to determine the effects
of rain on the air concentr ation.

‘The Hawaiian Islands, lying about 200 nautical miles from

Eniwetok, are the nearest concentration of population, industry

‘and agriculture east of the Pacific Proving Ground.

The Hawaiian

Islands are a few humdred miles further from the Pacific test

site than are the cities of northeastern United States from the
Nevada Proving Ground. Were it not for the prevailing circulation,
the Hawaiian Islands might receive radioactive contamination in

their copious rains that would create health hazards.

The trade

winds are a predominant feature of the atmospheric circulation in
the vicinity of the Islands as well as near the test site so that
debris which is gradually brought to earth must be carried toward the
Hawatien Islands from the east. The typical fallout, therefore,
is derived from the fraction of the upper tropospheric cloud which .
diffuses or falls into the lower layers, east of the Islands. The
core of the upper tropospheric clouds from MIKE and KING, as well as
from most other atomic clouds detonated in the Marshall islands,

- 34 -

Select target paragraph3