estimating the total effect of diffusion, ralnout endi deposition
of debris from ‘the Various ievels.

While the radiological date form a basis for the

analysis, not all of the observations necessarily fit into the
picture shown. For example, it was felt that Guam should have
received fallout a day earlier than reported and the area of
fallout is drawn according to meteorological expectations.


Simdlarly, it wes believed Hilo, Hawaii and Johnston Islands
- should have received activity a” aay earlier than was recorded.
On the other hand, the areas do not include Hong Kong, Formosa,
‘the Aleutian Islands, or Japan, all of which reported small

] {

amounts of fission products.

These probably represent minor

offshoots from the main cloud. It is evident, therefore, that
the areas are not intended to delineate all of the detail but

rather to present the broader aspects of fallout and rainout.

The area of Figure'3.5 thatextends west of Eniwetok

‘Ls primarily the result of deposition from the trade wind portion



of the atomic cloud while the areas east of the test site is
contaminated by fallout from the upper tropospheric cloud which
' was transported downward through the trade winds after first
' moving eastward at higher levels.

Select target paragraph3